MSN Media and Winks Installer is a program that will let you add winks to your Messenger.
By using this program, you can add .MCO Winks packs to your identity in Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger. You can download .MCO packets from several sites in Internet. The program will even offer you to download .MCOs from the author’s web page. It will need to retrieve the packets from a folder in your hard disk, so you will need to download and save them before you start using them.
In order to install the .MCO packets, you will need to have your Messenger client running. The packet will be installed just for the logged-in user.
MessenTools Media & Winks will install media content such as Winks, Meegos, packages of emoticons, packages of dynamic avatars, packets of backgrounds, games, moods and all kinds of content for MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger distributed in MCO format.
You can install and run this program in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French or German.